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Regional Dog Register – Lower Saxony Regulation

Dear international dog owner living in Germany: did you know that you have to register your dog in many regions of Germany?

As our main office is located in Hanover, we will give you some information about the Regulation of Lower Saxony.

According to the Lower Saxony Law on the Keeping of Dogs (NHundG), all dog owners must register their dog in a central register as of 01 July 2013. The data that must be recorded is determined according to § 6 NHundG.

According to § 16 para. 1 p. 2 NHundG, the register serves “to identify a dog, to determine the dog’s owner and to gain knowledge about the dangerousness of dogs depending on breed, sex and age.”

The Central Registry is run by GovConnect GmbH as an authorised agent.

After registering a dog, you will receive a fee notice stating the fee to be paid.

To register a dog, you must have the 15-digit transponder number of the chip that the vet inserted in your dog. You can find this number in your EU pet passport, for example.

The supervisory authority is the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.


Regional Dog Register – Lower Saxony Regulation

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