Mr. Michael Horak, LL.M.
Attorney-at-law· Graduate Engineer
Certified Intellectual Property Law Specialist
Certified Copyright and Media Law Specialist
““We are a team, we complete each other and we only have one goal: Your Success.“
Born in 1967; Mr. Horak studied Law and Electrical Engineering in Stuttgart, Erlangen and Hanover.
Mr. Horak graduated in 1994 in Electrical Engineering; from 1995 to 1998 worked as an associate at a Patent Law Office.
In 1996, sat Mr. Horak the German First State Legal Examination and from 1997/1998 worked as an associate at various international Law Offices such as Freshfields (Hamburg), Gleiss Lutz (Stuttgart) and Clifford Chance (London).
Other qualifications: Master in European Management and Employment Law at the University of Leicester (England), LL.M 1999 (Master of Laws); author of several publications, such as “Umweltschutz und Wettbewerb” (in EUDUR, Prof. Rengeling, ed.) 1998/2003.
Mr. Horak is a consulting engineer registered at the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers since 2000 and a sworn interpreter/translator for courts and notaries in the Hanover district for the english language.
The German Second State Legal Examination (internationally recognized as a degree in law) in 1998.
Attorney-at-law since 1998.
Partner of the Law Firm Horak Attorneys at Law since 2003.
He is admitted to the bar at the district court of Hanover and the Higher Regional Court of Celle; Authorized to represent before all German Local, Regional and Higher Regional Courts.
Mr. Horak is licensed to represent his clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court, the European Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market and the International Office (WIPO), domain name arbitration courts and numerous other offices and courts.
Our attorney Michael Horak is specialized in Intellectual Property Law since 2006/2007 and works also as certified copyright and media Law specialist since 2012.
Member of: International Bar Association; Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung, Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung; Amerikanische Vereinigung zum gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (AIPLA); Working Group Information Technology of the DAV; Industrial property rights and copyright e.V. (GRUR); German Society for Law and Informatics e.V. (DGRI e.V.); Association of German Electrical Engineers (VDE); Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP e.V).
Specializations in German Law
Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, copyright law, domains etc.)
- Patent Law
- Trademark Law
- Domains and Domain Name Law
- Utility Models Law
- Licensing Law
Competition and Anti-Trust Law
- Act against Unfair Competition
- Advertising Law
- Trademark Law
- Act against Restrains on Competition
- Merger Control Proceedings
- Procurement law
Technology Rights (incl. IT, internet, energy and telecommunication)
- IT Law (Computer Law, Software Law, Legal Protection of Data etc.)
- Energy Law
- Internet and Online Law
- Telecommunication Law
- Construction Law, Engineering Law, Architectural Law
- Copyright Law and Media Law
- Music Law
- Publishing Law
- Artists Contractual Law
- Photo Law
- Film Law
- Event Law
- Contractual law
European Law
Pharmaceutical and Foodstuff Law
Taxation Law and Economic Criminal Law (with reference to the aforementioned legal areas)