
ANIMAL LAW – German Attorneys at law

animal law, horse law, dog law, small animals law, farm law, livestock law, medicine law, animal purchase law, vet animal law, liability law, public hazard prevention, animal protection law, vets law, malpractise law, torts and damages in Germany, Europe and international

Liability insurance for pet owners

Legally speaking: are animals just things?

You may have already heard about it: legally speaking are animals to be seen us things. But is this true? What’s the matter about this affirmation? The German Civil Code (BGB) contains a provision in § 90a BGB that contains regulations concerning animals. The provision is based on the idea that an animal, as a […]

Animals Regulations for the Entry into the European Union

Regulations on entry with dogs, cats and ferrets into the European Union: are you planning to travel to Germany with your loved one or two? Make sure to make the right steps to allow yourself and your pet to travel without having any legal problem. For the entry with dogs, cats and ferrets from non-EU […]

Rights of a cat living outside of the house – German Law

If your cats lives outside of your home, this article will be interesting for you to read. Have fun with it! Defence claims against stray cats/cats living outside: AG Ahrensburg – Ref.: 49b C 505/21 – Judgment of 15.06.2022 The parties are residents of a German city and are not direct neighbours. It is a general […]

Bee Law in Germany

Yes, you heard that right: Bees also have very important rights. Bee law contains the totality of legal provisions that regulate the legal relationships of beekeeping. Bee law can be roughly divided into private bee law (neighbour law, liability issues, swarm law) and public bee law (permissibility of beekeeping under building law, food law, animal […]

Regional Dog Register – Lower Saxony Regulation

Dear international dog owner living in Germany: did you know that you have to register your dog in many regions of Germany? As our main office is located in Hanover, we will give you some information about the Regulation of Lower Saxony. According to the Lower Saxony Law on the Keeping of Dogs (NHundG), all […]

Hundeführerschein: The Dog Owner License in Germany

The dog licence is a certificate of competence for you as a dog owner in Germany, with which you can show that you have special knowledge in dealing with dogs. Furthermore, this dog licence provides the information that you have trained your dog well and have it under control, i.e. that the pelt nose is […]

The 5-Fs Rules on Animal Welfare

Did you know that the European Commission has been promoting animal welfare for a long time in order to improve the lives of farms animals?  In times when environmental friendly and animal welfare is become every day more important, you’ll may be asking yourself wether the European Union is really doing something in order to […]

“Hundesteuer” – German Tax on Dogs

German Tax on Dogs: Tell me more about it! Almost everywhere in Germany, dog owners have to pay taxes for their fur-friends. The only people exempt from paying these taxation on dogs are: shepherds, dog breeders or blind people or more generally explained: those who need their dog for their job or for living, or […]

German Animal law

About 23 million pets live nowadays in Germany. Statistically, every second household now has at least one animal. Nevertheless, most of these people are not aware that they also assume a special legal responsibility in their capacity as pet owners. The following points are important in general animal law: Animal Liability Law in Germany Public […]

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