
ANIMAL LAW – German Attorneys at law

animal law, horse law, dog law, small animals law, farm law, livestock law, medicine law, animal purchase law, vet animal law, liability law, public hazard prevention, animal protection law, vets law, malpractise law, torts and damages in Germany, Europe and international


Hundeführerschein: The Dog Owner License in Germany

The dog licence is a certificate of competence for you as a dog owner in Germany, with which you can show that you have special knowledge in dealing with dogs. Furthermore, this dog licence provides the information that you have trained your dog well and have it under control, i.e. that the pelt nose is […]

Cows and parked vehicles – Liability Issues

The Case The regional court of Koblenz recently had to discuss a really uncommon case (No. 13 S 45/19): the (legal) fight is apparently between a herd of cows and a car driver. As the cattle was driven from the farmer to another pasture, the cows had to pass through a narrow field path, next […]

Liability issues in the event of a riding accident

Horse owners who leave their animal to third parties are liable for the behaviour of the animal. The BGH ruled that the damages resulting from a riding accident are to be borne by the horse owner if the rider was unsettled by the behaviour of the animal. Bundesgerichtshofs, 06.07.1999, Aktenzeichen: VI ZR 170/98

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