
ANIMAL LAW – German Attorneys at law

animal law, horse law, dog law, small animals law, farm law, livestock law, medicine law, animal purchase law, vet animal law, liability law, public hazard prevention, animal protection law, vets law, malpractise law, torts and damages in Germany, Europe and international


Rights of a cat living outside of the house – German Law

If your cats lives outside of your home, this article will be interesting for you to read. Have fun with it! Defence claims against stray cats/cats living outside: AG Ahrensburg – Ref.: 49b C 505/21 – Judgment of 15.06.2022 The parties are residents of a German city and are not direct neighbours. It is a general […]

Rights and Duties of a Cat-Owner in Germany

Do I have to have my cat chipped or neutered in Germany? About chipping:  No, the law does not explicitly require cats to be chipped or neutered. Chipping or registering cats with a microchip is a quick and simple procedure in which a small transponder is implanted under the skin of the animal. This chip […]

Regional Dog Register – Lower Saxony Regulation

Dear international dog owner living in Germany: did you know that you have to register your dog in many regions of Germany? As our main office is located in Hanover, we will give you some information about the Regulation of Lower Saxony. According to the Lower Saxony Law on the Keeping of Dogs (NHundG), all […]

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