The dog licence is a certificate of competence for you as a dog owner in Germany, with which you can show that you have special knowledge in dealing with dogs. Furthermore, this dog licence provides the information that you have trained your dog well and have it under control, i.e. that the pelt nose is neither a danger to other dogs nor to people. This is why the dog licence is often referred to as proof of obedience.
In Germany, the dog licence is not compulsory, but there are some regulations in individual federal states that restrict the keeping of dogs if you do not have a driving licence. In Schleswig-Holstein, for example, you must have a dog licence to keep a breed of dog that is classified as dangerous. In Hamburg, on the other hand, the law allows you to walk your dog without a leash if you have a dog licence. In other countries, such as Switzerland, you must have a dog licence to be allowed to have a dog at all. Before you move house, for example, but also if you want to get a dog for the first time, find out about the individual regulations in your district. This will save you any trouble.
Do you have any question? Get in touch with us. We are here to help you.