
ANIMAL LAW – German Attorneys at law

animal law, horse law, dog law, small animals law, farm law, livestock law, medicine law, animal purchase law, vet animal law, liability law, public hazard prevention, animal protection law, vets law, malpractise law, torts and damages in Germany, Europe and international

District Court

Federal Nature Conservation Act – Wolves Decisions

Exceptional permits Düsseldorf Administrative Court, Judgment of 06.05.2021 – 28 K 4055/20 – The district is not obliged to grant a shepherd from a small village a permit to take a female wolf  into another. This was the decision of the Administrative Court of Düsseldorf, which dismissed the shepherd’s complaint. A shepherd living in a […]

Transport of animals: the last tribunal resolutions

VG Osnabrück confirms ban on cattle transport to Morocco How important is the Animal welfare for slaughtering purposes? Shall Animal welfare be guaranteed by extension of the transport time? The answer, in Germany, it’s yes. Fighting for animal rights? We are the experts you are looking for.  The Osnabrück Administrative Court has rejected an urgent […]

“Dogs must be on leash”

Tribunal Decisions on the Leash-Requirement for dogs Costs of the treatment Dog owners must pay for injuries made by (mutually) biting dogs. The treatment costs are waived against each other. If one of the dogs is not leashed, its owner must bear the treatment costs alone. Amtsgerichts Frankfurt am Main, Aktenzeichen: 32 C 4500/94-39 Fake Alarm […]

Male dog holder does not have to be liable for mating

The district court (AG) Daun decided that the owner of a mixed breed dog does not have to be liable for unintentional mating of a mating pedigree dog by his male dog. A mongrel male mated with a female in heat. Six mixed-breed puppies resulted from it. The owner of the non-pedigree puppies sued the […]

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